An ethics complaint was filed Tuesday against a federal judge for making remarks on CNN about former President Donald Trump’s conduct at his trial in New York.

Mike Davis, president of the conservative Article III Project, filed a 13-page complaint against Judge Reggie Walton with the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The complaint cited a canon in the Code of Conduct for United States Judges: “A judge should not make public comment on the merits of a matter pending or impending in any court.”


According to the ethics complaint: “Judge Walton’s clear violation is highly prejudicial to President Trump, as it taints four different jury pools. Judge Walton’s highly inappropriate, pre-planned, highly prejudicial, political CNN interview will cause the federal judiciary to lose its legitimacy with a broad swath of the American people. DC federal judges must get their house in order and take immediate corrective action against Judge Walton.”


Read the full article HERE.